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A title insurance policy is a unique form of coverage that safeguards a homeowner against property tax, fraud, or ownership wrangles. Therefore, a buyer should consider a title insurance policy upfront to help cover all the risks and avoid losing money with such a large purchase at stake.

What risks does a title insurance cover? Read on below to discover why investment professionals recommend this form of insurance to home buyers to get reliable financial protection against:


When an individual has taken advantage of someone by selling fake houses as their own it can lead to very serious financial and legal consequences for the uninsured. Fortunately, title insurance can protect you against financial loss due to such trickery.


Secondly, some fake home sellers present counterfeit documents to unsuspecting home buyers and include forged signatures. While a potential home buyer may not be able to tell the difference in an authentic signature or the circumstances of sale, if the documents are found to be be fraudulent, title insurance coverage will be able to shield them from unnecessary financial burden.

Property tax

Many places have stringent tax laws that demand all property owners to pay taxes, including rental income tax. Unfortunately, some do not remit these taxes to the relevant authorities.

In sad cases, these owners sell such properties to unaware buyers, transferring that financial burden to them. For this reason, having a title insurance policy will help to avoid getting in trouble with city tax officials.

Unclear wills

Unfortunately, some people do not leave a will for all their property, triggering conflicts when they pass away. Therefore, a title insurance policy would help you to get your money back if ownership of the property is ever in any kind of conflict with a will after someone has passed away.

Boundary disputes

Do not worry if you purchase a property with minor boundary disputes, as your insurer can cover the financial burden of resolving this. You only have to submit a request and provide evidence to prove the dispute exists.

Miscalculated taxes

Government officers can make a mistake when calculating the land rates the property owner needs to pay. However, if you have title insurance coverage, you can avoid an experience with this overwhelming tax burden.